I'm in the process of working on my engine, first thing I was going to do was fire it up and see how she was acting now, see if I could identify anything else before I started dismantling the engine.
Car won't start, no power to accessories, it doesn't even try and turn over, nothing. So I go to autozone and pick up a new battery, install it and wouldn't you know, nothing. The posts are clean and I can't see any frayed or burnt wires anywhere.
Here's where it get's fun I put the old battery back in, push the beast out of the garage and hook it up to my truck, try to juice up the battery a little and then go to my car to start it, nothing no pwer to accessories or anything.
I call my wife out, she gets in the truck, starts bouncing the rrevs up and down for me, accessories kick on and the car turns over and runs, rough, really rough, but she still runs.
Anyone have any idea what the heck is going on?