were you WET sanding babe? (ie: sandpaper was SOAKED with water)
if not, it is recoverable. probably won't be necessary to get the electric sander. The buffer won't be a bad idea.
I don't know if you saw MY how to on this, so I'll re-type it. (not sure how well this will apply to you though...
1) prep (clean, file off the lettering if you want)
2) light coat
3) wetsand (high grit, 1500+)
4) light coat
5) wetsand
6) optional: 3rd coat and wetsand again
Final) clear coat and buff
Originally Posted by black
holy crap, i just farted at work and the whole office stinks!!!!
RIP to my Alero @ 112000 miles. COD: thrown rod. TOD: 430pm, Dec19, 2011.