i know that people said they've contacted DHP with no response, or a response weeks later... well i havent heard any news about the DHP chip lately, so i emailed them.... got a response a few hours later. here's the email.
>From: Skyler <sn0fx@yahoo.com>
>Subject: Olds Alero PCM
>Date: Fri, 21 May 2004 21:19:02 -0700 (PDT)
>MIME-Version: 1.0
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jasonjeross@hotmail.com; Sat, 22 May 2004 00:19:03 -0400
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>Hi, i'm a member of aleromod.com and i was reading
>through the message boards about the DHP reprogrammed
>PCM. there was a pretty good log of the progress up
>until about a month or 2 ago. i, along with quite a few
>others was wondering what the status is with the alero
>3400 (1999), with basic CAI/High Flow exhaust setup.
<reply from jason @ DHP>
Tell your fellow members and friends @ aleromod.com that it is available for $215 + $150 core charge + $12.00 shipping.
We will have credit card payment options next week as well (finishing the final touches to our new merchant account tonight!)