I must have been out of my mind when I ordered my last shipment of mesh. I got my usual pallet of 6"x36" and some typical 12"x48" but I also got something new too. I wanted to make some mesh that was just overkill and I think I did that. It is 2X the size and 2x the thickness of my typical mesh. It almost looks novelty size.
Long story short. I used to have 3 friends that had Alero's. Since they have moved on and I now don't know anyone personally that drives one. I need someone to that wants a free grill kit and who can donate a picture or two to be the model car on my website.
Here's the catch. I do need a deposit of just $30. I'll refund the money after I get some pictures that I can use for my website. The kit will then be on the website in the $50-60 range. These "should" install like the other kits and should give off a great finish when done. I just need one person that has the time and knowledge to install one of these in a decent time frame.
For people who have already bought a kit off the website or through APOC, I will have some sort of "trade up" package if you are interested in upgrading. Details on that will come later.
Here is what the kit looks like: